鄺日雄(Henry Suk,大多數人會稱他為「亨利叔叔」) 1926 年出生於中國,1958 年與妻子Fay Mah 移民到加拿大阿爾伯塔省卡加利。他的人生故事證明了堅韌不拔的精神和企業家精神,以及無邊的慷慨。 在妻子父親的支持下,亨利踏上了一段旅程,這不僅塑造了他自己的命運,也給他的家人和更廣泛的社區的生活留下了深刻的印象。

和許多移民先驅一樣,亨利面臨在異國重新開始的艱鉅挑戰。 在為家人創造更光明未來的夢想的推動下,亨利在唐人街開設了華厦雜貨店(Jade House),為當地社區提供服務。 在後來的幾年裡,他的商業興趣擴展到了一家餐廳(金馬餐廳)和一家外賣餐廳(Henry’s Ice and Fry)。 亨利的驕傲和喜悅是唐人街第一個室內購物中心的建設——華厦商場——於 1988 年開業,由省長 Ralph Klein 主持開幕儀式,該購物中心擁有 22 家企業和第一家匯豐銀行地點在唐人街。 作為一名企業家,亨利的企業已成為卡加利文化和商業景觀中的標誌性地標。 他的貢獻不僅豐富了當地經濟,也培養了社區自豪感和團結感。 儘管亨利取得了專業成就和社區領導才能,但他仍然是一個忠誠的家庭男人。 他對妻子的愛貫穿了 66 年的婚姻,證明了他對所愛之人的承諾。 他最感謝妻子多年來的支持,因為在66年的人生旅途中,妻子一直與他並肩奮鬥,孜孜不倦。

他們共同撫養了三個多才多藝的兒子——嘉揚嘉文和嘉偉——他們體現了父母努力工作、正直和同情心的價值觀。嘉揚在卡加利市政府擔任了 34 年的會計師,享有受人尊敬的職業生涯,而嘉文和嘉偉則致力於創業,在加利福尼亞州洛杉磯拓展了自己的視野。


亨利是轉發和回饋社區的優秀榜樣。 他慷慨地投入時間和金錢,並隨時準備向有需要的人伸出援手或支持公益事業。 無論是透過他領導成立了卡加利五邑同郷联誼會(一個針對華人耆英的慈善組織 ),還是他支持中華文化中心和榮基護理中心等眾多慈善機構和計畫的慈善事業,亨利的影響力在社區中產生了深刻的共鳴。2017 年,Henry 被評為社區領袖,並獲得了卡加利前市長 Naheed Nenshi 頒發的加拿大 150 唐人街復原力獎。


HENRY KWONG (Henry Suk “Uncle Henry” as most people will call him) was born in China in 1926 and immigrated to Calgary, Alberta, Canada with his wife, Fay Mah, in 1958. His life story is a testament to resilience, entrepreneurship, and boundless generosity. Supported by Fay’s father, Henry embarked on a journey that would not only shape his own destiny but also leave an impression on the lives of his family and the broader community.

Like many immigrant pioneers, Henry faced the hard challenges of starting anew in a foreign land. Fuelled by dreams of a brighter future for his family, Henry opened a grocery store (Jade House) in Chinatown serving the local community. In later years, his business interests expanded to a restaurant (Gold Horse Restaurant) and a Drive-in (Henry’s Ice and Fry). Henry’s pride and joy, is the construction of the first of its kind indoor shopping centre in Chinatown – The Good Fortune Plaza – opening in 1988 with the Honorable Premier Ralph Klein presiding over the opening ceremonies, the mall featured 22 businesses and the first HSBC Bank location in Chinatown. As an entrepreneur, Henry's ventures have become iconic landmarks within Calgary's cultural and commercial landscape. His contributions have not only enriched the local economy but also fostered a sense of community pride and unity.

Together, they have raised three accomplished sons—John, Edmond, and David— who embody their parents' values of hard work, integrity, and compassion. John has carved a respected career as an accountant at the City of Calgary for 34 years, while Edmond and David have pursued entrepreneurial endeavours, with David expanding his horizons in Los Angeles, California.

Henry's sense of exploration of the world and making it a better place extends to his eight cherished grandchildren setting roots in places like Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto, London UK, and Los Angeles CA to pursue their own passions.

Amidst his professional achievements and community leadership, Henry remains a devoted family man. His love for Fay, spanning 66 years of marriage, is a testament to his commitment to those he holds dear. He is most grateful for his wife’s support over the years because she has worked as a partner tirelessly side by side with him for the past 66 years throughout their life’s journey.

Henry is an excellent role model for paying it forward and giving back to the community. He is generous with his time and money and is always ready to extend a helping hand to those in need or to support a good cause. Whether through his leadership in founding the Wu Yi Association of Calgary—a benevolent organization for Chinese seniors—or his philanthropic endeavours supporting numerous charities and projects like the Chinese Cultural Centre and the Wing Kei Seniors Care Centre, Henry's impact resonates deeply within the community. In 2017, Henry was recognized as a community leader, and was the recipient of the Canada 150 Chinatown Resilience Award delivered by the former Mayor of Calgary, Naheed Nenshi.

Paying it forward creates a ripple effect of kindness. Henry’s acts of kindness throughout his life have inspired others to do the same, leading to a chain reaction of positive actions in the community leading to a better future for us all.


黃 Margaret Rose Wong Verenka


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